Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Top 10 Lessons I've Learned in Florence

So, as we go from day to day here, we've learned several very key lessons that I thought I should pass on just in case you ever decide to visit Florence.  I'm going to do this ala David Letterman and count them down from 10 to 1.

Here goes:

Lesson #10: Shoes brought to Florence should STAY in Florence.  Dogs and not a strand of grass anywhere...enough said.  No new shoes to bring home.

Lesson #9: Walk in the "lines" (aka pedestrian crossing) with authority, and whatever you do, don't make eye contact!  It's a simple game of chicken between the pedestrians and the automobiles/vespas.  No fear!

Lesson #8: Even Italian table wine is fantastic!  Sometimes only 3-4 Euro a liter.  Perfecto!

Lesson #7: Panna Cotta, the jello of the Gods!  I cannot stop eating it and I have the recipe to bring home. Good thing there's lesson #6.

Lesson #6: You can pretty much eat all the pasta, gelato and panna cotta you want if you're walking a minimum of 4-5 hours a day.  I have no idea how many miles that is.  Bring a pedometer along to justify the extra calorie intake.

Lesson #5: When the temperature outside reaches 90 degrees, there should be air-conditioning.  This isn't really a lesson.  It's more like my recommendation for a universal law.  Kind of like the Theory of Relativity.

Lesson #4: Line drying EVERYTHING is not the optimal way.  For instance, linen blouse...yes...cotton underwear...NO! Can you say sandpaper?

Lesson #3: If you use really good cheese, you do not need mayonnaise or mustard on your sandwich.  Try yummy spreadable mozzarella cheese instead.  Deelish!

Lesson #2:  If you like purses or leather goods of any kind, don't come here.  Florence is like CRACK for leather lovers.  And the smell!!!  AHHHHH!!  Must stop buying!

And finally Lesson #1: The five second rule does NOT apply in Florence!  If it hits the ground, it goes in the trash....period!  For further clarification, see Lesson #10.

So, that pretty well sums up what I've learned so far. If I learn anything else in my remaining 2 weeks, I'll be sure to pass it along.  Ciao!

1 comment:

  1. hahahah crack for leather lovers.. 5 second rule is universal, fact.
